Thin Clients: Providing the Answer to Your IT Anxieties

By Lael Long

What the Anxieties Are:

Currently, businesses face uncertainty in their day to day because of the security risks associated with their computer software. One of the greatest concerns is that users will copy or destroy sensitive information. The installation of unauthorized software provides another cause for worry. Along with those anxieties, businesses are apprehensive that their systems may become the targets of malicious websites (Gemeren 2020). Companies should feel confident that their private information stays that way, but unfortunately their data is not secure.

Where These Anxieties Stem From:

The reason for these IT anxieties stems from one main functionality issue found among PCs. The issue is that with PCs, multiple users have access to the endpoint. This means that sensitive data can easily be manipulated as the endpoint is the main hub where the data is stored. While the usage of passcodes and other security measures acts as a deterrent for data corruption, research on cybercrimes has shown that the current technology is susceptible to security breaches.

HP Inc. provides insight into the extent of cybercrime with several statistics. The first fact presented is that “Nearly two-thirds of companies report that they have been compromised in the past 12 months by attacks that originated at endpoints, a 17% increase year-over-year.” This shows that security breaches are not an isolated incident and effect a significant portion of businesses. Not only are these attacks common, they cost companies millions of dollars. “The average cost for each cybercrime in 2018 was $13M,” a sum of money that could have gone towards company development (HP Thin Client, n.d.).

How Thin Clients Increase Cybersecurity:

Fortunately for businesses, thin clients have significantly increased cybersecurity. Creating a device that would allow multiple users as well as multiple access points, while making sure to keep sensitive data secure is no easy task. However, thin clients manage to accomplish this feat through the implementation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). “VDI setups stay isolated from other activities” which removes the risk of contracting viruses and malware (Gemeren 2020). This means that “no information resides on the device itself;” it remains in the data center but can still be accessed and managed (Gemeren 2020).

Another way thin clients can secure company data is by using multi-factor authentication. By “using layers of authentication and identity confirmation” companies can control user access (HP Thin Client, n.d.). Even when users access information and use applications, “the data doesn’t cross the network except in the datacenter. What is sent to the endpoint is just screen updates,” so companies no longer have to worry about company information being corrupted (Ribeiro, 2019). The added security allows businesses to worry less and focus on meeting their goals.

Who Thin Clients Are Benefitting:

Thin clients are especially beneficial to “task-oriented” individuals and companies as they allow “an organization to simplify IT administration and gain tremendous cost savings in user support and in the deployment and management of their applications” (Burkitt, 1999). With their high functionality, thin clients are helping to save companies time and money, both of which are necessary to succeed in a competitive industry.

Other Reasons Why You Should Start Using Thin Clients:

Another reason thin clients are the next step in company advancement is that they have less of a negative impact on the environmental. Thin clients weigh approximately 70% less than PCs and take 80% less transportation volume (Openthinclient, n.d.). This drastic difference in volume means less money is needed for production, packaging, and transportation. Along with their reduced size, thin clients use about half the amount of electricity as typical PCs. Specifically, they use 8-14 Watts of electricity, while a typical PC consumes between 30-45KWh. The decrease in energy usage and the fact that thin clients contain fewer heavy metals than typical PCs – toxic materials that can contaminate water supplies – proves that they are more ecofriendly in comparison to their predecessors (The Green Benefits, 2016). For a complete life cycle, 65% of greenhouse gas emissions are saved when companies switch over to thin client computers (Maga, 2012). Thin clients are revolutionizing technology’s impact on the environment without draining companies’ pockets.

When to Make the Switch

Obtaining ease and efficiency for your company is possible with help from BlueWayz Corp. Just gives us a call at (800) 949-9850 to talk with a representative today about making the change to thin clients and giving your company one less problem to worry about.


Burkitt, Mike. (1999, September 12). White Paper: Thin Client/Server Computing Lets You Take Control. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

Gemeren, Keegan van. (2020, April 2). Security Benefits Of Thin Client Devices. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

The Green Benefits of Thin Client Computing. (2016, August 31). Retrieved June 26, 2020

HP Thin Client Security. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

Maga, Daniel, et al. (2012, Sept. 20). Comparison of Two ICT Solutions: Desktop PC versus Thin Client Computing. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

Openthinclient. (n.d.). Retrieved June 26, 2020, from

Ribeiro, Ricky. (2019, Nov. 25). Are Thin Clients More Secure Than Physical Desktops?. Retrieved June 26, 2020, from


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